Sunday, 16 July 2017


 Wow! Everybody is so open and friendly round these parts. I went to 'The Bank' pub to pick up the washing that they very kindly did for me, watched the grand prix. Went to Mason's and had a couple of engaging conversations. Went to boat and remembered that I should have a go on the Waltzer, got talking to the guy that runs it, what a sound fella, had a short free ride,thanks Mitch, made I laugh.
   The gusts of wind are very strong now but it is very sunny.

What windy weather looks like from far away


  1. Sorry you had to call it a day. I was looking forward to sharing a whisky when you made it to the Clyde. Perhaps next year. Enjoyed the blog. - Ross (Leanmonkey)

  2. Nothing ventured, nothing gained ... you've ventured, and gained plenty of memories, and stories to tell :)

    1. Yup, spot on, the last two months, generally, was worth more than the last two years :-)
