Thursday, 8 June 2017

Whitby, Thursday 8th June 2017

  Got up at 5am, set sail at 7pm, Gary timed it to perfection to wave goodbye. Scarborough was an interesting place, 'cos it's on a hill there are loads of sets of narrow stairways between levels and also lots of narrow alleys and walkways.

  The sail was gentle and damp with drizzle on and off, low cloud and initially very gentle wind. Once again it was a basically a southerly, pushing me in the right direction on a run but consequently not very noticeable 'cos boat moves at similar speed to wind. Only 14Nm to do and, as predicted the wind and gusts slowly built up. Just as i approached Whitby harbour entrance i was just about overpowered with full sails up. There was a long rounded swell from the NE and sometimes these waves were breaking at the narrow entrance to harbour (with low tide making the water shallow) but i got in without having to manage any surf.

  Tied up to swing bridge pontoon at 11 and waited 'till 2.30 for bridge to open, so took opportunity to use newly acquired gas stove to brew up. It worked very quickly. I made a mistake in the gear i wore, as rain was predicted i wore my dry suit and underneath wore lycra type, wick-away long-johns but this was pretty cold. Next time i'll wear summat more insulative.

  I was pleased that the weather window unfolded pretty much how windguru had predicted, the inshore waters forecast was pretty scary predicting force 4 or 5, occasionally 6 but that is for a 24 hour period. Indeed by 2pm the wind was very strong.


  1. I'm just sorry I didn't have the full camera kit as we could've had some really good shots from the harbour wall. Glad to get there in time though.
