Monday, 5 June 2017

Scarborough, sun 4th June 2017

Got up at 8.30, then it was pretty full on to get ready for the sea. A couple of fellahs in a motor cruiser, Lady May, were moored up next to me and are planning a similar trip,so might well see 'em again.

Had a really pleasant sail today, winds very variable in strength , quite a bit of sunshine. Got out to Flamborough head OK, no big waves, then it was a reach which turned into a single tack beat all the way. Sometimes a bit over powered with just a twice reefed main & occasionally nearly becalmed. Saw me first puffin. Flamborough is good looking with eroded limestone causing little bays, arches and caves. Next coupla days are forecast to be too windy for me.

Dreamtime in sunny Scarborough

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