Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Anstruther, tue 18th July

  I'm sat on good old boat Dreamtime, moored up in Anstruther harbour with a great sun setting, reading a boatie book (about Jack de Crow). Compared to last night, sat in front of telly, i prefer this.

  I had a look up on the sea wall, It's very windy up here, the seagulls are hovering around in one spot, just playing with the air currents 'n swirls and the sea has many white horses, a small motor boat was out there ploughing through the waves, looked tough.

  There's plenty of summer left, so I reckon doing more of the coast is a grand plan. Mebbe a week at home to weed the garden and cut the grass then vamoose. I'd like to be around Devon and Cornwall, specially when the Perseid meteors are happening in August. I've got about a month's worth of dried food and so far everything has stood up well to the rigours; so my kit is all ready to go (ok,with a bit of titivation) and I haven't got anything better to do with the rest of 2017. I reckon a bit more of the wild camping on a beach or anchorage would be in order too.

Sunday, 16 July 2017


 Wow! Everybody is so open and friendly round these parts. I went to 'The Bank' pub to pick up the washing that they very kindly did for me, watched the grand prix. Went to Mason's and had a couple of engaging conversations. Went to boat and remembered that I should have a go on the Waltzer, got talking to the guy that runs it, what a sound fella, had a short free ride,thanks Mitch, made I laugh.
   The gusts of wind are very strong now but it is very sunny.

What windy weather looks like from far away

The end

  I've decided to call a halt to my trip here at Anstruther, i don't have sufficient confidence to tackle the run up to Inverness and would be waiting a long time in harbour for favourable wind forecasts. It's a shame that the Clyde and Forth canal is shut as I could have happily carried on that way.
  I've certainly achieved the main aim of the trip which was to meet new people, see new places and do new things. No doubt my sailing skills have improved and I've learnt a lot about passage planning, allowing for forecast weather and tide. 

Saturday, 15 July 2017

  It's been an interesting day for reading the runes of the weather forecasts and relating that to what has actually happened. Met. Office Inshore waters was doom, gloom, and force 6! Windguru said that the wind would pick up at 13:00. And the actuallity was that conditions were benign all day, Could  have easily sailed to my next destination, st. andrews. (but hadn't passage planned) At 6pm dark clouds came in and it all got a lot windier.

  Popped into a pub at lunchtime,  asked about laundromat and was told that there's not one, would I like my bag of washing sorted ? Thanks 'The Bank'.

  The way the tides is at the moment, i need to leave here bright and early, some of the tidal streams, on the coast north of here, run at  twelve knots. Bear in mind that I can hope to do four knots average .

 Windy weather

'Anstruther outer harbour beach

Anstruther, fri July 14th 2017

  Lobster for breakfast! Me and Kouran ate one last night and the other this morning. It was very tasty, nice juices. Btw, recipe is; put lobster in pan of water, bring to a roiling boil, time for one minute, eat.

  Today could have been good for sailing but I had run out of sailing energy, hadn't researched a passage plan, so chilled. The forecast for Saturday and Sunday is for strong wind so I might sail on Monday.

  Kouran went back to his 'real' life today. We've had a great week, did a fair bit of sailing in a range of winds, including a couple of days of sunny sky, gentle winds and calm seas. Thanks Kouran, couldn't wish for a better crew mate.

  The last week has seemed like a mini-cruise within the bigger trip. We've had reasonable weather, the many islands dotted about the Firth of Forth add to the interest and there are quite a few harbours which are mostly picturesque, all with extremely friendly locals. It would be a good area to plan week's cruising holiday.

Anstruther harbour (spot me titchy boat)

Aberdour to Anstruther, thur 13th July

  Needed to get off our drying berth near to high tide and had twenty-two mile voyage planned so needed a reasonably early start. Probably set off sailing at about 10am and had a very calm start, all sails up and wind behind. Had a great view of the Forth bridges sternward.
  About three quarters completed there were dark raining clouds coming towards us across the Firth. I got rid of the main and completed the rest of the journey under jib alone in strong wind with waves. I've now been out in worse weather so wasn't overly concerned. Kouran did  a good job as crew, moving to balance  the boat unbidden and learning the ropes.
  Having just tied up, a chap came in on his small fishing boat and said hello, we'd been moored alongside him in Dunbar. He asked if we'd like two Lobsters! Thanks Peter. It was great to be able to sample fresh unmessed-about-with lobster, yum-yum

Just fits in my pan

Friday, 14 July 2017

Garton (Leith) to Aberdour, wed 12th July

  I had just a small hop planned for today, four miles across the Firth of Forth to a titchy, drying harbour. The sun was out, the seas were calm and there was a gentle wind. Unsurprisingly, we had a very pleasant sail and took a detour to go around an island.

Old Abbey on island

  Aberdour is a very cosy harbour, well protected and, as always,very friendly and helpful people.